Virtual Stamp Exhibition

STAMPEDIA EXHIBITION as Virtual Stamp Exhibition

Appreciate collections in stamp exhibitions would be a happy time that brings you pleasure and gives you ideas for your collection. But don't you have the following difficulties?

  1. - I can't visit all the stamp shows in the world.
  2. - Even the full show period of all international exhibitions is not enough to display all the work for lack of space to exhibit.
  3. - To prevent fading color of the stamps, it is always dark in stamp show.
  4. - General layout of 16 leaves per 1 frame makes me backache if I continue to see many frames.
  5. - Good works with the language I can't read don't make me fully understand the collection. I don't want to bring dictionary with me.
  6. - They are good works, and I want to take a note to use for my collection, but it's hard to copy them nor I'm not sure if it's permitted to take photos of them.
  7. - I have no way to tell the exhibitor how much I am moved by his/her work. It is also of interest to the exhibitors because they can only have a few short comments of judges.

STAMPEDIA EXHIBITION will solve all your worries!

[WORKS for EXHIBITION are WELCOMED] Why don't you show your collection to others?

競争切手展に出品するリーフの作り方 伝統郵趣コレクション編 出版記念 第1回〜第6回作品全リーフデータ

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Virtual Stamp Exhibition top | My Albums

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Japan Traditional ( 12 )
Japan Cancellation ( 2 )
Japan South East Occupied Territories ( 4 )
Germany ( 6 )
Switzerland ( 2 )
Romania ( 6 )
Czech Slovakia ( 4 )
Thematic ( 13 )
unclassified collections